The WorldWinner App is currently only available for residents of the United States and Canada.
If you are not residing in/visiting the United States or Canada, you may still register and participate in cash tournaments on our responsive website,
There are some countries that do prohibit any participation on WorldWinner:
- Afghanistan
- Belarus
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Congo Democratic Republic
- Cote D'Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Egypt
- France
- Greece
- Indonesia
- Iran Islamic Republic
- Iraq
- Kosovo
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Montenegro
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Nigeria
- North Korea
- Pakistan
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Sudan
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Vietnam
- Zimbabwe
If you are living in or visiting any of the restricted countries above, you would only be able to participate in the free, Warm-Up tournaments on WorldWinner.
Note: Some restricted countries may not appear on the list above due to ever-changing regulations as it pertains to online/mobile skill-gaming tournaments for cash. Unfortunately, these restrictions are out of our control.